Jun 08, 2021 | SMBA | 1062 views
Season Start Up
Simcoe Minor Baseball is very close to resuming on field activities.
We have a few more hurdles to overcome this week, but we are confident we should be able to get on the diamonds starting this Friday with our Tier 1 teams.
We wanted to get information out to everyone as soon as possible, knowing that the Re-Opening of Ontario has come upon us sooner than originally planned.
To start the season, we will have groups of 10 allowed on a diamond at a time. This includes coaches and players.
(Please be aware there is a small chance the below information may change)
The plan for starting our season is as follows:
Mosquito Tier 1, Minor Peewee Tier 1, Peewee Rep, Bantam Tier 1 - Friday June 11th
Rookie Rep, Mosquito Tier 2, Bantam Tier 2 - Saturday June 12th
All House League Divisions (T-Ball, Rookie, Mosquito, Peewee, Bantam, Midget) - Starting during the Week of June 14-20
For all Rep teams, you will be contacted by the coach to give you more information.
For House League, we are nearly done securing coaches for all divisions, but need to have meetings with coaches to relay information on the season, as well as Covid protocols. Once all these logistics are completed, coaches will be contacting their teams.
Great news that baseball season is about to start. If you have any questions please let us know.