Annual General Meeting Schedule, News (Simcoe Minor Baseball Association)

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Oct 12, 2022 | Andy Dedecker | 766 views
Annual General Meeting Schedule
Simcoe Minor Baseball Association (SMBA) is reaching out to all members in order to communicate the following important dates related to our annual functions:
  • October 31st, 7:30pm - Proposed Constitution or Rep Policy Amendments Due
  • November 13th, 7:30pm - Annual General Meeting (AGM)

The current constitution and rep policy can be found on the SMBA website by clicking here.

Please submit any notices of motion or amendments to the SMBA Secretary (contact information below) in advance of the deadline.

SMBA is also seeking nominations for all elected positions up for renewal (Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary) as well as all Director positions. Nominations for these positions can be submitted in advance to the Secretary, or during the AGM on November 13th.

Virtual meeting information for the AGM will be supplied closer to the date.

Andrew DeDecker
Secretary - Simcoe Minor Baseball Association
[email protected]

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